Joint UKINETS / SCTS meeting – save the date – 2 Feb 2018


UKI NETS & SCTS Meeting on Thoracic Neuroendocrine Tumours

Thoracic Forum

Stapleford Hall Melton Mowbray

2nd February 2017

12.30 for Lunch

13:00 Welcome: Sri Rathinam

Introduction: Tahir Shah

1. a. Overview of Lung NETs (type/incidence/presenting symptoms/relapse patterns/ syndromes)

b. Overview of Radiology and Pathology

c. Management

1. Surgical (work up/ treatment/ follow up, survival)

2. Oncology (therapies/ development / trials)

d. LEAP Study Findings

14:30 to 15:00 Coffee and Networking

15:00 to 17:00

2. Unifying Practice:  Open Multidisciplinary Forum

i. Lung NET pathways: Who does your lung NET pathway involve? Does it involve a dedicated NET MDT. When should I refer to the next person in the pathway?

ii. Follow up post-surgery: who should follow-up? Who should be followed up? How long for? How Frequently? How should we monitor for relapse?

3. Future Directions: Biobanking, molecular profiling, common database, trials


This event is supported by Novartis  & Ipsen

To register, please contact Lorraine Richardson

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